Download Daniels Carbon Emissions Report

Learn how Daniels is minimizing sustainability impact through smart healthcare waste management


  • Title
  • Reusable Products

    Our reusable and bagless product range minimizes environmental impact and eliminates the manufacturing, transport, and disposal of single-use plastics and cardboard 

  • Waste Segregation

    Optimized waste segregation programs that dramatically reduce medical waste volumes and minimize treatment emissions by diverting waste into the most environmentally friendly treatment method, specific to each waste stream.

  • Robotic Washing

    Daniels Washsmart technology provides highly effective container sanitization, while recycling 80% of water, decreasing detergent usage through an efficient dosing system, eliminating unnecessary additives, and reducing energy in hot-water production.

  • Efficient Operations

    Our trucks are EPA Smartway certified, improving fuel efficiency and environmental supply chain performance. Route optimization software allows us to reduce vehicle fuel consumption, ensuring efficient routing, minimized transport load, and effective space utilization.

  • Green Partners

    We carefully vet our suppliers to ensure we are partnering with local production companies who prioritize GHG reduction policies. Our current injection-molder is ISO-14001 certified.

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By partnering with Daniels, your environmental impact will be significantly reduced each year. 


As a business founded on the key tenant of driving environmental stewardship in healthcare, Daniels Health embraces the Global Sustainability challenge, and has made genuine changes in the way we do business. Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact of medical waste, without compromising the service we offer to our customers.

Across the globe, healthcare service providers are feeling the increased importance of protecting planetary health to ensure a safe future for public health in the communities we serve. Daniels is committed to leading the industry in innovation and practices that minimize ecological impact. Our strategies to achieve this are:

  • Create clinically-designed reusable containment systems and clinical-flow processes that achieve maximum environmental sustainability across their full life cycle.
  • Minimize environmental burden by evaluating operations and ensuring they function as efficiently as possible.
  • Minimize toxic emissions through the selection and use of our fleet and the source of its power requirement.
  • Drive integrated waste segregation and reduction programs in hospitals to ensure the most sustainable packaging and treatment options are adopted for the waste type
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and with our customers and suppliers.
  • Meet or exceed all environmental legislation at local and national levels as it pertains to transport, treatment and waste reduction initiatives 

One of Daniels’ principle founding values is to achieve the highest level of ecology possible through innovation, product, and process. In our medical waste management practices, we utilize the most sustainable methodology of environmental effectiveness – reusability. By reusing sharps and medical waste containers instead of throwing them out, a significant reduction to overall waste volumes can be made. 

Globally, Daniels’ Sharpsmart system achieves significant reduction in the CO2 burden of healthcare facilities we partner with. Annually the system diverts millions of pounds of plastic and cardboard from landfill, and, with its 50 year life cycle, the Daniels Sharpsmart sharps container single-handedly eliminates the manufacturing of hundreds of thousands of disposable products. A complete life cycle assessment of reusable and disposable sharps containers reveals that the overall ‘carbon footprint’ of a Sharpsmart reusable container can be up to 76% less than that of disposable containers.

“The 84% reduction of CO2eq emissions with the Daniels Sharpsmart system exceeds the 2020 reduction target for US federal hospitals and the 2050 target for UK NHS hospitals. If Daniels Sharpsmart reusable sharps containers were used nationally in the US, we estimate annual US hospital GWP would fall by 64,000 MTCO2eq.”

T Grimmond, S Reiner 


Daniels Environmental Impact in the USA

Since 2003, Daniels reusable sharps containers have resulted in...




Our Environmental Results

Across multiple peer reviews published in notable journals, the impact of our reusable containment systems has demonstrated the following results for these select facilities: 


Reduced landfilled waste by 13 tons of plastic and 1.3 tons of cardboard annually through the elimination of disposable containers 

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28% waste reduction of 3.9 tons of plastic & cardboard waste per 100 beds per annum, and 99% reduction in container manufacture.

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Reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 109.80 tons CO2eq per annum = 91% less than the previous disposable sharps system.

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51% reduction in container exchange labor with the larger Sharpsmart containers.

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