Net Zero Together

Achieving sustainable outcomes in healthcare waste management

Daniels Health was born out of a passion to improve safety and sustainability in healthcare. Our innovative, reusable containers play a critical role in diverting millions of pounds of plastic and cardboard from landfill annually, supporting customers in their carbon emissions reduction initiatives. Now we are on a journey to reduce our own carbon emissions in line with our sustainable values. 


Our Net Zero Commitment

As a global organization, Daniels Health experienced an early introduction to the concept of net zero emissions thanks to our presence in the United Kingdom. Net zero, in the simplest terms, means that all emissions created from corporate activities are counterbalanced by removing carbon from the atmosphere.

In the United States, Daniels Health is a proud signatory of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Sector Climate Pledge. As a signer, we are committed to:

  • Reducing organizational emissions by 50% by 2030
  • Achieving net zero emissions by 2050
  • Publicly accounting for progress on this goal every year 



View Our Carbon Emissions Report

As a first step in our net zero journey, Daniels Health has developed a carbon emissions report to establish a baseline of our annual emissions. Learn more about our process for establishing an emissions benchmark.

Download Report

Next Steps in the Journey to Net Zero

Although we’re proud of our first emissions report, we know the work is far from over. Here is where we’re going next:

Developing a climate resilience plan

While our business units each have an existing local contingency plan, these will be consolidated into a single record to ensure that risks of climate-related harm are mitigated.

Customer level reporting capabilities

We are working to establish the ability to quantify emissions reporting at a customer-by-customer level in order to support our customers as they pursue their own scope 3 emissions reporting and reduction plans.

Emissions reduction audit

With a baseline for scope 1 and 2 emissions compiled, our next step is to review and audit our emissions for calendar year 2023. This audit will be the foundation for establishing basic emissions reduction strategies that are measurable, actionable and realistic.

Establishing measurable reduction objectives

Following completion of the emissions reduction audit, we will establish measurable reduction objectives in line with our 50% emission reduction target by 2030. These objectives will be published in next year’s report along with clear supporting strategies and tactics. 

Take Sustainable Waste Management to the Next Level

Reach out to our experts to learn more about how our innovative approach to healthcare waste management not only advances safety but significantly improves sustainability within healthcare spaces.

We will talk you through how you can make small changes that will have a significant environmental impact across the full life cycle of waste management: manufacturing, supply chain, transport, treatment and disposal. 


Discuss Your Sustainability Goals