Daniels Health. Providing San Antonio biohaz waste disposal services

You’re a proud Texan, we get it. But not everything needs to be bigger… especially your medical waste disposal bill! 


Through the simple power of local service, Daniels Health is able to optimize how we service and manage the medical wastes of healthcare facilities. As your neighbor we can improve your compliance, efficiencies, and overall cost of ownership of healthcare waste management! We make a great partner because: 

  • Our processing and treatment plant in Houston allows us to employ local Texans who are committed to delivering the best customer experience for you
  • Daniels Health consistently creates educational material that will always be accessible to you in our Knowledge Center
  • The Daniels Health team is trained to provide you with a healthcare waste management consultation that will result in a unique solution that fits your facility’s needs
  • Our reusable containers help increase sustainability while increasing your safety
  • With over 30 years of experience, we got this


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