Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center

As a clinical partner, we want to empower you to provide a safer environment for your staff, greater waste segregation outcomes for lower environmental impact, and a more efficient workflow. To do this, we have compiled some of our best resources to help you achieve safety in sharps handling and optimized medical waste management within your facility. 

How to Dispose of Chemotherapy Waste

Chemotherapy waste has some of the most strict disposal regulations of any healthcare...

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A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Disposal

It's time for the adoption of tamperproof, security-designed pharmaceutical container...

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A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Waste Management

A New Normal is needed in the approach to pharmaceutical waste management, the risks...

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Sharps Container Overfilling? No more!

Sharps containers overfilling is a significant occupational risk to healthcare worker...

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Safest Height for Wall-Mounted Sharps Containers

At Daniels, we follow the NIOSH guidelines for the mounting height of our sharps cont...

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A New Normal in Safe Sharps Disposal

It's time for the sharps container that is proven to protect clinicians during sharps...

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USP <800> Standard: the Basics

USP standard explained in terms that all of us can understand. Learn how to handle t...

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A New Normal in Chemotherapy Waste Management

A new minimum standard of safety, infection control and cleanliness is needed in the...

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