A birds eye view of the Daniels range of Chemosmart chemotherapy containers. In a nutshell, what are the environmental features and benefits,the sizes, models and dimensions of the Daniels Chemosmart range.
Designed for use with the Daniels internal delivery carts, this adapter enables 64-Series collectors to be mounted onto a standard delivery cart. Affixed through pre-existing holes in the Internal Delivery Cart frame, this adapter enables multi-mounting of 64-Series collectors.
“The Squeaky wheel gets the grease,” and in the words of renowned microbiologist Terry Grimmond “when it comes to sharps injuries in the United States, we need to squeak more.”
Sharps injuries (SI) may result in exposure to any of 60 different pathogens including HIV, HBV or HCV, and recent surveys confirm that SI are a persistent and challenging problem. This educational poster serves as a guide on how to prevent sharps injuries.