CT64 Chemosmart Operating Instructions | Spanish

This instructional guide assists users in the correct opening and secure locking of the Daniels S64 Chemosmart chemotherapy waste container.

Este guía asiste en el uso correcto de abrir y bloquear seguramente los S64 contenedores Chemosmart para quimioterapia.

4 Operating Instructions for Sharpsmart Containers | Spanish

Instructions for Daniels Sharpsmart sharps container use: Never put your hand into a sharps container, never put sharps into normal waste bags or bins, never put general waste into a sharps container, never throw sharps into a container.

Sharpsmart Collectors are not Disposable | Spanish

Daniels Reusable Sharps containers should never be disposed of in medical waste bins. This poster reinforces the unique reusable qualities of Sharpsmart collectors and the environmental impact they achieve in reducing plastic from landfill. 

Regulated Medical Waste Only | Spanish

What should be disposed of in a Daniels Medismart medical waste container? Find out here in this easy-to-follow instructional poster. 

¿Que es apropiado tirar en los contenedores Medismart de Daniels? Descúbrelo aquí en este poster fácil de navegar.

Chemotherapy Waste Disposal | Spanish

The Daniels CT22 and CT64 chemotherapy containers are perfect for oncology settings. This poster clearly defines the perfect use of each chemotherapy container.

Guide to Missouri Medical Waste Regulations

Guide to Missouri Medical Waste Regulations

Providing Texas Industry-Leading Medical Waste Disposal Services

We don't believe everything needs to be bigger in Texas - especially your medical waste disposal bill. 


Daniels Health. Providing Houston biohaz waste disposal

If you’re tired of your healthcare waste disposal bill being too high give us a “Texas-sized 10-4, good buddy” 


How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

Daniels Health. Providing Austin biohaz waste disposal

Texas is known for their larger than life things - but we don’t think your healthcare waste disposal bill should be one of those things.