Providing Texas Industry-Leading Medical Waste Disposal Services

We don't believe everything needs to be bigger in Texas - especially your medical waste disposal bill. 


Daniels Health. Providing Houston biohaz waste disposal

If you’re tired of your healthcare waste disposal bill being too high give us a “Texas-sized 10-4, good buddy” 


How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste

Daniels Health. Providing Austin biohaz waste disposal

Texas is known for their larger than life things - but we don’t think your healthcare waste disposal bill should be one of those things.  

Daniels Health. Providing San Antonio biohaz waste disposal services

You’re a proud Texan, we get it. But not everything needs to be bigger… especially your medical waste disposal bill! 


How to Manage Biohazard Waste in San Antonio

How to Manage Biohazard Waste in San Antonio

Keep Pharma Waste out of Waterways

Keep Pharma Waste out of Waterways

Top 9 Nursing Home Infection Control Techniques 

Top 9 Nursing Home Infection Control Techniques 

Terry Grimmond: Microbiology and Sharps Injuries

Terry Grimmond: Microbiology and Sharps Injuries

PR Study: Clostridium Difficile Root

PR Study: Clostridium Difficile Root