Behind the Scenes: Daniels Non-Acute Team

Behind the Scenes: Daniels Non-Acute Team

5 Ways to Improve Infection Control in Hospital

5 Ways to Improve Infection Control in Hospital

Improve infection control

Guide to Indiana Medical Waste Regulations

Guide to Indiana Medical Waste Regulations

Correct Medical Waste Disposal Poster | SPANISH

Correct Medical Waste Disposal Poster | SPANISH

Correct Medical Waste Disposal Poster | SPANISH


This clear segregation poster educates users on the correct verticals of healthcare waste disposal, including hazardous, pathological, chemotherapy, pharmaceutical, sharps and regulated medical waste streams. 

Pharmaceutical Disposal: Are You Compliant?

Pharmaceutical Disposal: Are You Compliant?

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers


Authors:   Brett McPherson, Mihray Sharip and Terry Grimmond

PR Study: Sharpsmart - Annual Plastic Reduction Root

PR Study: Sharpsmart - Annual Plastic Reduction Root

PR Study: Sharpsmart - 84% GHG Emission Reduction Root

PR Study: Sharpsmart - 84% GHG Emission Reduction Root

PR Study: Sharpsmart 84% GHG Emission Reduction