Access Plus Container Segregation

Access Plus Container Segregation

What Items can go into an Access Plus Sharps Container

Sharpsmart Container Segregation Poster

Sharpsmart Container Segregation Poster

What items can go into a Sharps Container?

Here's a quick 101 guide to what can and cannot be disposed of in a sharps container. Correct segregation of sharp items is essential in minimizing risk in the handling of containers, and the final ecological treatment of waste. 

Pharmasmart Container Segregation

Pharmasmart Container Segregation

What can go into a Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Container?

Chemosmart Container Segregation

Chemosmart Container Segregation

What can go into a Trace Chemotherapy Container?

Correct Assembly and Packaging of RMW Waste Boxes

Correct Assembly and Packaging of RMW Waste Boxes

Correct Assembly and Packaging of RMW Waste Boxes

This simple 6-step poster provides instruction on how to safely assemble, line and seal a waste-approved bag-lined cardboard box designated for RMW waste collection.