South Carolina Medical Waste Disposal Services

Daniels Health is the leading expert in compliance, clinical containment and environmentally responsible waste management services. Transparent pricing, customized scheduling, immediate cost reduction.

The Daniels Difference

  • We provide medical waste containers designed by clinicians for clinicians!
  • All containers sanitized through a world-leading robotic washing / decontamination process.
  • It is our drivers and our trucks that will service your facility, no third party hauler risk
  • We are up front with our costs and transparent with our contracts
  • Scheduling that supports your practice – you pay only for what you need
  • Eliminate disposal-related needlestick injuries with our advanced sharps safety systems
  • Eliminate the purchase, disposal costs and landfill of one-time-use disposable containers


  • Regulated Medical Waste Services
  • Biohazardous Sharps Services
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Services
  • Chemotherapy and Hazardous Waste Services
  • Onsite and online compliance and education

Medical & Biohazardous Waste Disposal in South Carolina

Daniels Health is a healthcare waste management expert with 30+ years of experience,

Working with hospitals, aged care facilities, diagnostic & treatment centers, pharmaceutical laboratories, and research laboratories and everything in between. We specialize in regulatory compliance expertise and have our own dual-permitted trucks & healthcare waste processing facilities, ready and waiting to service your facility. Our customizable solutions for medical waste disposal include:

  • Biohazardous Sharps
  • Expired Pharmaceuticals
  • Regulated Medical Waste
  • Chemo Waste
  • Pathological Waste
  • Hazardous Waste


South Carolina Medical Waste Regulations

Over time there’s been some strange laws in South Carolina. For example, you must be over 18 to play a pinball machine, fortune tellers are required to have a state permit, and dancehalls may not operate on Sundays–nor can you sell a musical instrument, and horses may not be kept in bathtubs. However, South Carolinians are serious when it comes to education. The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), attended by many students from the neighboring towns of Columbia and Mount Pleasant, is rated in the top 2% in the world according to the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR). And, where there are research centers and labs, there is always medical waste.

The Department of Health and Environmental Control regulates South Carolina’s medical and biohazardous waste management. All in-state generators of infectious waste are also required to register with the Department of Health and Environmental Control and operate under the OSHA compliance program. With approximately 7,000 registered facilities in South Carolina that produce infectious waste, there are only a few companies approved to correctly dispose of it. We are all about making healthcare waste management more simple, so we have created a compliance portal with unlimited online training resources that have been vetted against state and local regulations.

Daniels Health is one of those companies, we’ll work with your facility to ensure you’re always compliant.


Local Biohazardous Waste Disposal

Understanding how medical waste is categorized can get confusing, which is why having the right solution to ensure effective segregation is paramount.

Daniels can audit your facility and recommend a customized segregation and collection solution tailored to your needs. Last year, our reusable sharps containers prevented approximately 4,250 needle stick injuries, saved American healthcare facilities $25 million in waste management costs and diverted more than 2,000 tons of plastic from landfills. We are local, based in Charlotte, with our team having over 25 years of collective experience working in healthcare. We understand your world and we are passionate about driving a solution that protects the safety of your staff and drives waste segregation and volume reduction outcomes for your facility.

In addition to our industry-leading reusable sharps containers, our Chemosmart Chemotherapy waste containers cut more than 33% of plastic from each container ending up as landfill, while our compact and easy-to-use, bag-less Medismart containers were able to achieve an average of a 66% reduction in labor costs, as well as reducing the infection transfer risk that exists when using standard medical waste containers. We’re talking about medical waste here! We are not going to give you a cardboard box… we are going to provide you with a clinically suitable solution that reduces cross-contamination, improves your environmental profile, and protects your staff.


Daniels Health understands the needs of healthcare facilities in South Carolina. Contact us and see how we can help your facility better manage your medical and biohazardous waste disposal.

855 251 2655 Request a quote

Let’s Talk about South Carolina

South Carolina, also known as the Palmetto State, got its nickname from the distinctive tree that grows along its coast and its official state dance is The Shag. After the Spanish and French unsuccessfully attempted to colonize the area, the English set up camp in 1670, naming the region Carolina, the Latin derivative of Charles, in reference to King Charles I. The state was divided into the north and south in 1710. With a bloody history, more battles were fought there than in any other state during the American Revolution.

Today South Carolina is famous for 3 key areas: The Coast, Upstate and Midlands. On The Coast, Myrtle Beach has tourists flocking to The Grand Strand, bursting with more than 400 hotels and 100 golf courses. Equally popular is Charleston famous for the dance named after it: The Charleston. Hilton Head Island, commonly known as just Hilton Head, is a popular tourist destination. With over 12 miles of beach on the Atlantic Ocean, over 2.25 million people visit annually. South Carolina is also famous for a number of unusual things, such as Hell Hole Swamp, host of the annual Hell Hole Gator Trot, or as the locals call it The Redneck Run and Lake Murray, which has its own lake monster known as Messie. Art lovers should be sure to plan a stop in Greenville to check out local crafts. Some of the cities and towns have notable names such as Welcome, Burns Down, Wide Awake, Happy Bottom, Quarantine, Due West, Rock Hill, Coward, Summerville, and Ashepoo. For the foodies there’s Pumpkintown, Ketchuptown and Mayo.

South Carolina State Resources & Requirements

  • South Carolina EPA

    Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center

    61 Forsyth Street, SW

    Atlanta, GA 30303-8960

    404 562 9900

  • Daniels South Carolina Site

    1851 Chespark Dr

    Gastonia, NC 28052

    888 952 5580

  • Waste Classification

    An infectious waste is any used material which is: generated in the health care community in the diagnosis, treatment, immunization, or care of human beings; generated in embalming, autopsy, or necropsy; generated in research pertaining to the production of biologicals which have been exposed to human pathogens; generated in research using human pathogens; and which is listed in the categories below:

    • Sharps. Any discarded article that may cause puncture or cuts
    • Microbiologicals. Specimens, cultures, and stocks of human pathogenic agents
    • Blood and Blood Products. All waste unabsorbed human blood, or blood products
    • Pathological Waste. All tissues, organs, limbs, products of conception, and other body parts removed from the whole body
    • Contaminated Animal Waste. Animal carcasses, body parts and bedding when the animal has been intentionally exposed to human pathogens in research or the production of biologicals.
    • Isolation Waste. All waste generated from communicable disease isolation of the Biosafety Level 4 agents
    • Other Waste. Any other material designated by written generator policy as infectious
    • Infectious Waste Residues Resulting from Discharges.
  • Storage Requirements

    South Carolina state requirements mandate:

    • Storage of infectious waste must be in such a manner and location which affords protection from animals and weather conditions and which minimize exposure to the public.
    • Infectious waste must be segregated from other waste at the point of origin and maintained in separate containers until it is treated.
    • Infectious waste must be contained in approved disposable or reusable containers that are appropriate for the type and quantity of waste, must withstand handling, transfer, and transportation without impairing the integrity of the container, must be closed tightly and secured, and are compatible with selected storage and treatment processes.
    • Sharps must be contained in rigid, puncture-resistant containers which are secured tightly to preclude loss of the contents.
    • Containers of infectious waste must be labeled properly, clearly identifiable as infectious waste, and readily distinguishable from other waste.
    • Infectious waste must be stored under conditions and for periods of time as provided pursuant to regulations.

Let's Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.