S32 | Sharpsmart Reusable Sharps Container
8.5-Gallon reusable sharps container with an inbuilt counterweighted safety tray
The smallest of the S-series range, the S14 reusable sharps container is ideal for patient room use and lighter sharps volume areas. A gravity-balanced safety tray restricts hand-access to contents and ensures safe deposition of even the lightest of sharps.
To learn more about our sharps waste disposal service and solutions, click here.
Product Code: | 1001107500 |
Wastestream: | Sharps |
Fill Capacity: | 1.7 Gallons | 6.9 Quarts |
Total capacity: | 14.8 Quarts | 3.7 Gallons |
Dimensions: | 11.2” (H) x 15.7” (W) x 8.3” (D) |
8.5-Gallon reusable sharps container with an inbuilt counterweighted safety tray
Sharpsmart for small business, a quick intro to the Daniels Sharpsmart sharps container and how it impacts safety, costs and efficiencies for smaller medical practices handling and disposing of sharps.
Find out more about Daniels flagship sharps container, globally unrivalled for safety and needlestick injury prevention
With a compact design, its rubber buffers and brakes minimize noise and enhance mobility in a busy setting.
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