PR Study: 28% Waste Reduction
This study documents the 28% waste reduction Sharpsmart achieved in 103 hospitals.
This published study used a lifecycle inventory and a life cycle analysis tool to examine the impact on greenhouse gas emissions generated from the supply chain for goods and services, when the hospital replaced disposable sharps containers with Daniels Sharpsmart reusable sharps containers. Results in this study summary show the significant reduction in CO2 emissions as a result of the reusable Sharpsmart sharps container
Product Code: | 35f51fe4940f |
Media type: | PR Study Summary |
Wastestream: | Sharps |
This study documents the 28% waste reduction Sharpsmart achieved in 103 hospitals.
This quick resource explains the impact manufacturing, disposal, recycling and repurposing have on the environment, particularly for sharps containers, and provides a compelling reason to investigate reusability as a viable method of sustainability.
Find out how Daniels achieves its industry-leading results in sustainability through our Environmental Solutions brochure
This study at Rotherham Hospital reveals Sharpsmart's notable impact on GHG, landfill and sharps injuries.
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