
Daniels innovative medical waste products have earned global recognition in the clinical and scientific communities for greatly adding to the safety of healthcare staff and protection of environmental outcomes.

  • Literature

    Sharpsmarts’ Features and Benefits

    This document demonstrates the 29 features and benefits of the Sharpsmart sharps disposal system.

  • Literature

    Sharps Product Range

    A birds eye view of our Sharpsmart range : safety features and model types

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    Sharps Container Checklist

    Outlining sharps container requirements set by the FDA, DOT, OSHA NIOSH and U.S. Standards, this user checklist helps you determine how safe and compliant your sharps container is.

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    Pharmaceutical Product Range

    A birds eye view of our Pharmasmart waste container range : security features and model types

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    Chemotherapy Product Range Flyer

    A birds eye view of our Chemotherapy range : eco benefits and model types

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    Medical Waste Flyer

    Medical waste management for small business; this flyer is a quick introduction into Daniels’ RMW services to small healthcare practices.

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    Medical Waste Management

    This quick flyer introduces the Daniels regulated medical offering for the non-acute sector: flexible and cost-effective solutions for diagnostic and treatment facilities.

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    Medical Waste Product Range

    A birds eye view of our RMW bin and collector range : safety features and model types

  • Literature

    Hazardous Waste Product Range

    A birds eye view of our RCRA container range : sizes and model types


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