The Daniels Medismart system introduces a new standard of safe medical waste management.
Since medical waste was regulated in 1986, disposal methodologies have expanded to include bins of various sizes lined with red bags. Typical practices in US hospitals is that the bags are collected and consolidated for shipment and final processing and destruction; a process which leads to handling medical waste 2, 3, or even 4 times from the point of generation through to placement at the dock ready for disposal. With spillages and incorrectly disposed sharps piercing bags, these practices can lead to high safety risks, inflated labor costs, and greater exposure to infection transfer.
The Medismart has been proven to reduce medical waste volumes by up to 65%, significantly reducing labor and disposal costs. Reducing infection risk and delivering segregation efficiencies and environmental burden reduction, the Medismart combats logistical challenges commonly associated with healthcare waste disposal whilst keeping staff and patient safety the highest priority.