Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart: Impact on Life-Cycle Carbon Footprint

The article compares the global warming potential (GWP) of 40 acute NHS Trust hospitals converting from single-use plastic containers to reusable sharps containers.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers

A microbiological study to investigate the volume of plastic that could be reduced through implementation of a reusable sharps container system.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart: 86% Carbon Emissions Reduction

This before/after intervention studies UK hospitals to attain information on the differences in CO2 emissions from reusable and disposable sharps systems.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The 2 year study, ‘Impact on Carbon Footprint: An LCA of Disposable vs Reusable Sharps Containers in a large US Hospital’ was conducted in an 850 bed acute care facility to determine the reduction of GHG Emissions from the Sharpsmart collector.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Impact on Emissions & Injuries

A 12 month study determining the effect of the Sharpsmart on greenhouse gas emissions and sharps injuries at the 500 bed Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Hospital.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Reusable Sharps Containers Assist in Cutting Carbon

This 12-month study across 10 UK hospitals proves that the introduction of Sharpsmart collectors decreased the average sharps waste and CO2 emissions.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

The Widespread Movement to Reusable Sharps Containers

This paper acknowledges the significant impact that reusable containers have had on healthcare facilities and discusses the growth of the market.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Reduction in Sharps Injuries, Costs, & CO2 Emissions

This article explores the positive impacts that the Sharpsmart system had on a 400 bed small acute trust, including a reduction in sharps injuries, a reduction in their carbon footprint, and cost and time savings for staff.