Laura Wakelam
Brand and Communications Curator of Daniels Health global group of companies, Laura is a strong believer in cause-driven brand identity and honest storytelling

Latest Posts by Laura Wakelam
How to Dispose of Chemotherapy Waste
Chemotherapy waste has some of the most strict disposal regulations of any healthcare waste stream - stay up to date.
A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Disposal
The Pharmasmart container facilitates safe and secure disposal of non-hazardous pharmaceuticals and expired medications
A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Waste Management
A New Standard is needed in the approach to pharmaceutical waste management
Sharps Container Overfilling? No more!
Sharps injuries can occur due to container overfill. Meet the sharps container designed with overfill protection - the Sharpsmart.
Safest Height for Wall-Mounted Sharps Containers
At Daniels, we follow the NIOSH guidelines for the mounting height of our sharps containers with each container mounted 52” from the floor.
A New Normal in Healthcare Waste
A New Normal is needed in the approach to healthcare waste management and its impact on infection
Are Reusable Sharps Containers Clean?
Are reusable sharps containers clean? How are they sanitized? Find out.
How to Choose a Sharps Container
Choosing the right sharps container can be confusing. Let us help you navigate the safety, volume, and compliance factors that impact sharps container use.
How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste
New Subpart P RCRA hazardous waste pharmaceuticals regulations. How to navigate and understand the changes.
Influencing Factors of Sharps Container Design
What Safety Features Make A Difference In Your Sharps Container Choice.
The Importance of Cradle-to-Grave Medical Waste Management
You are responsible for your healthcare waste management from it's creation to it's full disposal. Learn the importance of the cradle-to-grave process.
Needlestick Injury Reduction Strategies in Hospitals
Methods to reduce the risk of needlestick injuries in healthcare facilities.