Laura Wakelam
Brand and Communications Curator of Daniels Health global group of companies, Laura is a strong believer in cause-driven brand identity and honest storytelling

Latest Posts by Laura Wakelam
Guide to New Mexico Medical Waste Regulations
A detailed overview of what medical waste regulations New Mexico healthcare workers need to follow.
Guide to Nevada Medical Waste Regulations
A detailed overview of what medical waste regulations Nevada healthcare need to follow.
Radioactive Waste Management in Hospitals
Hospitals provide a number of technologies that generate radioactive waste, so proper identification, segregation, and management of such waste is essential.
Everything You Need To Know About Hand Sanitizer Disposal
With the rise of people using hand sanitizer, it's important to know how to properly store and dispose of it.
Case Study: 50 Tonnes of Plastic Reduced Annually with a Reusable Sharps Container
Converting to reusable sharps containers can reduce the amount of plastic your facility disposes of annually.
Case Study: 84% Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction with Reusable Sharps Containers
By switching over to a reusable sharps container your facility could be making a huge impact on green house gas emissions. To learn more about how Northwestern Memorial Hospital reduced 84% of their GHG read below...
Before and After Sharpsmart: 28 Hospital Case Study
The implementation of Daniels Sharpsmart device reduces sharps injuries across 14 hospitals that converted to our sharps safety device.
Healthcare Waste Service Contingency Planning
Exploring Daniels Health approach to servicing hospitals and healthcare facilities during a pandemic
COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Disposal Guidelines
COVID-19 vaccine waste disposal guidelines to suit every sized hospital or healthcare facility
A New Normal in Hospital Waste Management
Daniels' positioning for hospital waste management has never been greater. Explore what a New Normal looks like in healthcare waste disposal
Summary of risks with Regulated Medical Waste
Exploring the risks associated with Regulated Medical Waste handling and disposal
Case Study: Medical Waste Bin Cleanliness in a Pharmacy Clean Room
Contamination risk should never be taken lightly, especially in pharmacy clean rooms. This article elaborates on a failure which resulted in 750+ patient infections.