Laura Wakelam
Brand and Communications Curator of Daniels Health global group of companies, Laura is a strong believer in cause-driven brand identity and honest storytelling

Latest Posts by Laura Wakelam
Sharps Injuries: What To Do if You’re Stuck
A needlestick injury can increase the risk of exposure to a variety of dangerous and highly infectious pathogens, so it’s important to know what to do if you’re stuck.
Guide to Washington State Medical Waste Regulations
Discover key insights about Washington State medical waste regulations. Visit our blog for comprehensive information to keep your facility compliant and safe.
What Are the Real Costs of Patient Interruptions?
Patient interruptions negatively impact healthcare settings. Learn how Daniels helps enhance medical waste efficiencies, helping curb interruption rates.
Container Transport Safety
The medical waste industry is fraught with risk and liability. Learn how to take extra precautions to ensure your medical waste is disposed of properly.
Hospital Waste Management. A Perspective Inside the Four Walls
Medical waste disposal is complex and with their primary focus being patient care, healthcare staff need independent support when it comes to getting waste management right.
Writing Our Next Chapter at the 2022 North American Summit
With a theme of Writing our Next Chapter, the summit was an opportunity to not just pause and reflect on recent accomplishments but look ahead to where we want to be when we hold our next summit.
How to Keep Track of Changing Regulations
Any company or facility that produces regulated waste of any kind needs to know how to properly segregate and dispose of it, but where do you start?
Reducing Needlestick Injuries in a Pediatric Setting
The practice of medicine requires the frequent use of needles and other sharp objects, and without proper safety protocols in place, that can lead to potentially dangerous injuries to patients and staff alike.
Guide to North Dakota Medical Waste Regulations
A detailed overview of what medical waste regulations North Dakota healthcare workers need to follow.
How to Adopt Sustainable Waste Management Practices without Breaking the Bank
Sustainability can fit into your current healthcare waste management without causing disruptions to patient care, budgets, and labor efficiencies.
Guide to Wyoming Medical Waste Regulations
A detailed overview of what medical waste regulations Wyoming healthcare workers need to follow.
8 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Waste Management and Compliance
The new year is just around the corner, so it’s the perfect time to assess your facility’s current waste management processes.